on snow.

"hey, if you don't mind, please fuck off, on behalf of both me and alice. just... if you're free. fuck off. okay? hey thanks."

- Lauren's expression of anger made my day. There's nothing wrong with a little healthy cussing every now and again.
For the last 3 nights in a row, I have woken up at around 4am crying and shaking, with full believe that my best friend is dead.  I read somewhere that when we stop being friends with someone, we mourn them, as if we had lost them, to death or something similarly tragic, in an almost primitive or animalistic way. 
This is how I feel today, like i'm missing something or some part of me, and I have a sinking feeling that my dreams will follow me around all day.  If only people weren't so selfish.

Bits from my book (5)

'One reason Helena and I would never be close friends is that I am about half as tall as she.  People tend to stuck to their own size group because it's easier on the neck.  Unless they are romatically involved, in which case the size difference is sexy.  It means: I am willing to go the distance for you.'

From The Shared Piano, in No one belongs here more than you. Stories by Miranda July.
I don't know what it is in novels that make big sisters the good ones, Meg in Little Women, Jane in Pride and Prejudice, Mary in Little House on the Prairie, but they seem to have it pretty accurate, they all (excepting Mary, who I'm pretty sure turns blind) are wise, a good role model, obviously beautiful and feminine,with exquisite manners and dispostion. 
My big sister runs parallel to these, and her recent engagement to her very own John Brooke, or Mr Bingley will no doubt be the fairy tale ending which all these lovely older sisters deservingly acheive. 

(Also, being the second sister, that leaves a respectable, intelligent and poor Professer Baher for me, or, the charming and rather rich and handsome Mr Darcy, I dont mind waiting around for that, or to live in Pemberley.)

Congratulations Milly.

reference: a pretty average article on famous literary sisters.