More Treat than Trick

Ryan Gosling's new project/band 'Dead Man's Bones' is one i love. Just in time for Halloween. Not only do i think Ryan Gosling is excessively cool...I think the idea of him and his best mate 'rounding up a bunch of instruments-some of which they don't know how to play-and a massive children's choir and making a concept albulm about the supernatural' is also incredible.

'The pair bonded over a shared obsession with scary stuff like ghosts, monsters, and zombies, and set out to create a spooky musical theater production, "a Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire kind of show," as Gosling described it. Somewhere along the way, the "theater production" aspect of it fell to the wayside, but the songs remained. '

-what's not to love? Ryan Gosling...good/fun music and an inspired DIY project.

-oh, with fun artwork too.

-little bit in love


1.resembling an enigma; perplexing; mysterious

Synonyms: puzzling, baffling, cryptic, ambiguous.

An enigmatic person: One whose actions are difficult to understand, or hard to predict.  usually a quiet, introverted person about whom no-one knows very much. (tip of the ice-berg, that kinda thing.. sometmes i grow tired of trying to figure out these kinds of people-but ultimately..i love them the best, because they can't be worked out..due to their enigmatic nature.)

'The only people for me are the mad ones' - Jack Kerouac.

i live here.


There is actually nothing so nice as a whistle-stop, spontaneous trip home. especially at this time of year, when Kent just looks so beautiful. i actually beamed on my way home this evening when i found myself following a badger for half a mile up the road.


(un-named 1, un-named 2..and harry, and his awkward bulge, his words, not mine)

                  (my favourite..................................Harry's favourite)

(franky catching the rays in his usual hangout, 2nd step)

Word. (1.)

1.resembling or befitting Don Quixote
2.extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical or impracticable
3.impulsive and often rashly unpredictable

Some definitions of quixotic further add that a person who is quixotic is impulsive, capricious, or a dreamer of impossible dreams, as per the Man of La Mancha song. Further a quixotic person might have no regard for money, and might be an elaborate spender or eschew the riches of the world.

To be quixotic, i believe, is enviable. to not be tied down by the oppression of reality. although i am obviously not quixotic as i can't help but think that those who are will one day be quite disappointed. or perhaps not. on a good day i would like to call myself quixotic, as surely to be so, is just to be optimistic and hopeful. there can't be anything wrong with believing in a utopian way of living can there really?

(wes anderson is quixotic and i can't wait for fantastic mr fox.)
this just made me cry with laughter, 5 times later, im still crying.

I would like to be this happy all the time.

recent happenings and events have bitten quite a large chunk out of my confidence, i never had much confidence to speak out to, or within a large group of people; i often find myself slightly repressed, or anxious to say how i really feel..more so when something negative happens within my life..i find it difficult to talk to people, or really vent how i'm feeling, unless i have established some kind of trust.
at the moment i am taking an incredible 'performing shakespeare' module, entirely by default, my haphazardness with computers is entirely to blame, meaning, i basically picked the wrong course. however, this appears to have sprung to my advantage, opening new doors onto new experiences that my timidity would never usually allow me to follow as it were. i struggle quite a lot with this class, it is not within my nature as an english-man, or just in general, to run around hugging strangers or to become immediate 'bezzies' with people i have only just met. but within this class, it is fine, no..essential.. to put all reservedness and doubts aside and to embrace anything liberal that one possibly possesses. our task this week was to memorise a sonnet for recital, and being one stumbling girl (with a recent tendancy to stutter) this prospect frightened me incredibly. despite my desire to go in to the class and forget my bumbling ways, when one lover of reading and watching, not performing, shakespeare enters a class of budding thesps, it is hard to not feel pressurised to put false feeling and confidence into things. basically, it is obvious that i lack the mighty confidence that many of my class possess. however, my very kindly and understanding teacher noticed my hesitation, and instead of forcing me to get on with it...he had me turn my back on the class of 20 whilst they pressed right up against me, so close that i could feel them breathing, whilst my partner (also learning the same sonnet) held my hand. and where before i stumbled over my lines, tripped over words, and forgot key words, i found myself filled with a new confidence, and recited, nay, performed my sonnet with a certain enthusiasm which i never believed myself capable of...following which, i was able to turn around and perform the sonnet again facing my peers and looking each one clearly and steadfastly in the eye.. the whole purpose of this excersise my teacher said, 'was to encourage me to learn that with support of friends or peers, one is able to express themselves, without feelings of repression, and to just let go and be yourself with confidence.'
this i believe to be a valuable lesson, without the feeling that those you care about are holding your hand, or have your back, it is hard to acheive much. this is why i'm glad to have friends who will support me in my grievances, or wierd opinions and ideas, so that one day i can turn back round and support myself with confidence.
bit cheesy, but a nice feeling none-the-less.

I am so proud of my friend wobble (jonny), he will do big things and we have nice chats when i drive him home.


1.Train Song - Feist and Ben Gibbard
2.Amazing Grace - Cat Power and Dirty Delta Blues
3.Methamphetamine - Son Volt
4.Lenin - Arcade Fire
5.El Caporal - My Morning Jacket.
6.Kind Words from the Broken Hearted - The Cribs
7.Evergreen - Ryan Adams and the Cardinals
8.Quiet Houses - Fleet Foxes
9.Gentle Hour - Yo La Tengo
10.Country Mile - Camera Obscura

Yes Please.

as i wandered home from a particulary wine-fuelled evening last week, i couldn't help but think how negative i have become recently. or not even recently if i'm being honest. not about everything, or everyone..just a general lack of enthusiasm regarding certain pursuits, mainly..anything youthful. it was then that i thought of an article i recently read, something to do with universities having become commercial entities (i think was the phrase used) in which the old qualities of student life which were so revered in the past, are disintegrating quicker and faster. where are the gig posters, socialist workers, left-wing idealists etc.etc?. i thought about this, and more and more it dawned on me, that perhaps i had, in my aforementioned lack of enthusiasm joined ranks with the people who i always slightly judge; those who remain only within a 'michrocosm of a wider commercially obsessed' world.
i'm not sure i'm really ready for forming a band, or dyeing my hair blue and purple just to make a statement. i think the point is more, experimentation. trying new things to see if they stick/fit. being a 'yes' man, rather than a 'hmm...maybe, but i'll probably flake' man. let's see how it goes.

Things I have said yes to this week that perhaps i wouldn't have done last week:

-auditioning for the university play (i went bright red and stuttered my way through it-needless to say, i didn't get a call back, but i had a good laugh at myself anyway)

-working at Durham book festival (i'm actually really excited about this, i get to attend an evening based around new york poetry and music, focusing especially on leonard cohen, for free!)

-going 'out, out' on wednesday night..i made about 3 new friends, 2 of whom i'll probably talk to again.

-writing for the student paper.

-working in a soup kitchen. (i start in 2 weeks)

this is more like it. i'm having heaps more fun, and infact, i feel like my confidence is on the rise. finally.