Word. (1.)

1.resembling or befitting Don Quixote
2.extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical or impracticable
3.impulsive and often rashly unpredictable

Some definitions of quixotic further add that a person who is quixotic is impulsive, capricious, or a dreamer of impossible dreams, as per the Man of La Mancha song. Further a quixotic person might have no regard for money, and might be an elaborate spender or eschew the riches of the world.

To be quixotic, i believe, is enviable. to not be tied down by the oppression of reality. although i am obviously not quixotic as i can't help but think that those who are will one day be quite disappointed. or perhaps not. on a good day i would like to call myself quixotic, as surely to be so, is just to be optimistic and hopeful. there can't be anything wrong with believing in a utopian way of living can there really?

(wes anderson is quixotic and i can't wait for fantastic mr fox.)