I have been thinking a lot recently about lieing and liars. So much, that I have written down countless notes on the subject, and following my usual train of thought writing techniques, have had to spend some time sifting through my views and ideas to come up with anything, or something that means anything..to me anyway.
Everyone lies. whether it is merely an exaggeration of reality to make ourselves appear better to others, or just spinning a general web to hide ourselves from the truth.
The only real thing I have to say on the subject (after a sickening realisation, that I and everyone else tells casual lies from time to time) is that I genuinely feel great sadness for those who feel they must cover up who they are/where they are/what they are doing to those they love the most. They must feel so lonely within their lies, as they pull the wool thicker and tighter around those who know them the least..they must be blinding themselves also..but do they know it? To lie is the most self-destructive path you can take..there is always someone who must know the truth. As important as having secrets, and secret keeping is, someone always loves you enough to know the truth.
Despite a great reluctance to place all cards face up on the table, I believe this can be the most gratifying action for some people. Everyone must have some qualities they can be proud of, and some which they cannot be proud of, but the idea of having friends that don't or wouldn't take me/you, for who you/I am is destroying. and should be removed immediately.