“If you truly want honesty, don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to”
On the whole, I truly believe honesty to be the most challenging, yet rewarding virtue. i spend so much time wishing that people would wear as much as they can possess on their sleeves, whilst i similarly to everyone else in question, keep my sleeves very much hidden by protective, thick knit, brightly coloured woolen shrouds. I guess, like most people I, like everyone else rather arrogantly worry that what I really think, feel, do, will cause others some form of distress, when ultimately, my opinion really is 'invalid' in a society where people possess such a plethora of 'friends' derived mainly from social networking, that one needle in a haystack opinion is quickly neglected and forgotten. I know this makes me seem largely like I have forced myself into a social corner very obviously signposted 'CAUTION - LONER'.
all i'm saying is that I wish that more often it was simple to blurt out my feelings with the knowledge that it could affect someone so much that it would stop them in their tracks for a bit..but sadly, everything seems to get a bit lost as everyone gos about their daily business, and we forget that the time it took for people to gather the courage for 100% honesty, deserves a lot of attention as compensation. i guess no one wants to face up to the truth whether it belongs to us or not.
just to prove the point of not being able to face the truth, or probably more importantly, not wanting to: I had every intention of stating at least 5 'truths' following this blog. but just cant do it. I dont even know why.