You Time

With so much crowding our radar, we tend to focus on whatever's flagging us down with the most urgency. (pick up the kids, return a call, finish a report)  But what slips off our mental screen is often just as important: a craving for apples, a nagging ache, a deep desire for an extra hour of sleep.  This month, engage your health as enthusiastically as you do everything else.  Give well-being your full attention - and get in the habit of taking thoughtful action on your own behalf.  It's funny what happens when you commit to looking health in the eye.  Life itself has a way of coming into focus.

Things that make feel better during 'me time':
-blaring monsters of folk really loudly
-going for a walk
-writing to do lists and checking everything off
-writing notes and letters and sending parcels
-watching a really good film with a glass of wine
-reading Jack Kerouac
-planning a trip
-listening to plinky plonky music and writing things down / cutting and sticking.
-editing photos.

The things you do during your 'you time' are the things that ultimately shape who you are, and stop you becoming like everyone else, or adopting those habits that you never thought you would. Sometimes its difficult to not become addicted.