Veganism. Day 14.

The time has finally come when I can officially put down the soya and pick up the milk, exhange the houmous for the philadelphia and once again satisfy my sweet tooth's endless cravings. I know that my blog postings dramatically came to an end after a week of journaling - i think virginia woolf would be most disappointed at my poor effort - however, i feel this was mainly due to a lack of inspiration more than anything else.  Being a vegan as a student proved incredibly difficult, well, maybe not difficult, i'd say more tiresome. not wanting to splash out on thousands of extravagant ingredients for a two week experiment meant that often my meals were roast vegetable and sauce based, not that i didnt vary the ways in which i ate the veggies, but, you know, a roast parsnip is indeed, just a roast parsnip.  Although my incredibly bloated stomach has slightly subsided, i havnt noticed any decrease in my weight, disappointingly, i have however acquired a rather strange and slightly alarming case of the shakes, whereby my fingers quiver as though i have aged 80 years in 14 days.  I am not sure why this has happenend, to be fair, it could be lack of sleep, but if it were to do with my diet, i would not be surprised if it was through lack of sugar. whilst typing this I have indulged in some rather splendid Jazzles, my favourite white chocolate treats, and althought the taste is sublime, the sugar is making me shake more and i do feel incredibly sick. same gos for milk in my tea, and too much of any form of dairy (I'm writing this a day late, i did infact cease to be vegan yesterday)
Despite all these things, (perhaps i should have stated the positive first) I have enjoyed being vegan, it is kind of exciting, in a sad way, to experiment with diet etc, how have i coped without chocolate? absolutely no problem. How much have i missed fish? a lot, but not enough to send me spiralling into despair. I think removing anything from your diet is easy if you have willpower, which i dont. the only reason i found it easy is because it was a challenge and i had a goal, if i'd condemned myself to suffer a long vegan life, i would have failed miserably..but i am interested to see if i now cut down on sugar etc and continue to eat ryvita, or nuts and raisins as a snack. unlikely - i couldnt do that to Cadbury's profit margins. However, I will say that I have enjoyed the challenge, it has been interesting and increased my awareness regarding my usually awful eating habits. May I remember this for the future and not become carried away by the niggling part of my brain which tricks me into gorging myself with sugary snacks. We shall see.