I think my good intentions to keep a regular, daily blog were a bit ambitious.
I am beginning to learn that being a Vegan only really works if one removes oneself from all social situations. Last night we had a dinner party for 10, everyone had meat lasagne (which i wouldn't have been able to eat anyway) so i made my fellow vegan housemate and I a vegan thai green curry (sweet potato, butternut squash, peppers etc) with saffron and ginger rice. although this was delicious and i enjoyed it more than i would have a lasagne, even a vegetarian one, the unwanted attention, constant questions of 'why the hell are you doing this' - followed by 'screw that, i could never even try to give up meat', even before i'd bothered to explain the ethics behind it, drove me slightly mad. in fact no one really wanted to hear the whys and wherefores anyway, so i didnt bother exaplaining.
had the dinner party not been at my own house, i would have felt extremely rude giving my host the extensive (and it is EXTENSIVE) list of things I can not eat. seriously, if i had a soya bean for every ingredient i am excluding from my diet, my veganism would be lifelong. I know it is important to stick to one's views and ideals, but to me, being a vegan is a rather large limitation. What could I eat in a resteraunt for example? - rice?! well, thats exciting! Perhaps to me, veganisim is a prospect that only can exist where possible, if i can leave out the ingredients, well..why not?! but sometimes these things appear to just be unavoidable, and turning down supper invitations is just a challenge too hard to accept.