quiet and solitude.

Sometimes I believe the best quality within friends is the ability to just be quiet. As much as I love chatting away aimlessly, usually about not very much in particular, (favourite topics include: whatever I currently have my nose stuck into (this probably bores people senseless), places I have recently enjoyed wandering about in with my dog, (also probably quite boring)quotes from things I cant even remember, and usually how cold, or tired I am-perhaps this is the reason I have a small group of people I would call 'friends') I think two people sitting or walking together, yet thinking their own thoughts are sometimes the most wonderful times. I really value any friendships I have in which I can just be quiet. but that's just me. im quiet.

Recent Activities:

Beach trips in English winter time are my favourite.

Perfect for the much loved quiet.

And so much better when someone buys you chips after.